As a busy mum, business owner and professional juggler of everything else, I am always looking to find something that is going to make my life easier. I bet you’re the same, right? I always have about a million things on my plate so when I find something that is a real game changer and can benefit my life in a simple but impactful way, you can bet your bottom dollar that I am going to tell you all about it!
I’ve recently discovered the power of Heritage Bank’s HOVA device, a stylish and new way to pay. It’s designed to work just like your usual debit card except for one small difference: it’s strapped to your wrist! You know all those moments when you’ve got one child on your hip, another clinging to your leg, your boss is on the phone and you need to buy some milk? It’s one of those dreaded moments because you know the effort that’s required to put everything down, search through your Mary Poppins style handbag only to realise your wallet is in the car. Can anyone else relate? It was happening far too frequently around these parts!
Well there’s no need to fear those moments anymore because with HOVA you don’t even have to put everything down – you can continue to hold the baby and talk to your boss at the same time and just tap the band on your wrist and you’re good to go! I cannot even begin to tell you what a game changer it’s been.
Good news for all of us busy women (and men!) out there, though. We’re so excited that as of today, the 3rd of October, Heritage Bank will release a limited amount of these bands to new customers who open an account with Heritage Bank. Considering these bands are the first of their kind in Australia, you will have to get in quick sticks because they are sure to go very quickly!
The convenience of HOVA is second to none. Every morning, I love going for a jog and because I use this time to mentally prepare for the day ahead, I don’t usually take anything with me. It’s brilliant because I can still get my morning coffee without the hassle and bulkiness of carrying my wallet or phone. Absolute genius!
You wouldn’t think something as safe and secure as your usual bankcard would be so stylish, either, would you? The team at Heritage really know their stuff though because for someone style-conscious like me, I can’t go past the sleek, black design of HOVA. It literally goes with everything.
I love that for a night out, all I have to take are my keys and lippy and I’m good to go! How amazing is that?!
‘Make sure you join Heritage Bank via from today if you’d like to get your mitts on one of these fabulous HOVAs.