You know that feeling when you get home after a long day and finally collapse into bed with utter exhaustion? Well, burnout is like that but with added mental, physical and emotional exhaustion paired with overwhelm and stress. ARGHH! Burnout needs a multifaceted approach and when treating it, it’s important to focus on boosting your mood whilst managing stress levels and fatigue. Let’s take a look, as our nutritionist shares her tips!
1. Delve into your diet
Burnout often leaves us feeling flat and fatigued. Specific nutrients can help support our energy production and put that pep back in our step.
B vitamins
Work at a cellular level, supporting mitochondrial function and increasing energy levels. Choose animal proteins like beef, liver, trout, eggs.
Vitamin C
Crucial in maintaining mitochondrial health (and therefore supporting energy production), transports fatty acids for metabolic energy production, and supports immunity. We love blackcurrants, capsicum, broccoli, kiwi fruit and citrus foods for maximum benefit.
Helps convert glucose into energy and supports our nervous system reducing stress and anxiety. Low levels of magnesium have been linked to increased fatigue and anxiety. Try wholegrains, dark leafy greens and dark chocolate.

2. Improve your mood
Low moods can be associated with burnout. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter – a chemical in the brain that can affect our mood. Low levels of serotonin often equates to low moods. Eating foods that contain the essential amino acid, tryptophan, can help the body to produce more serotonin, increasing happiness and optimism.
SWIISH Tip: Eat more salmon, turkey, eggs, leafy greens, mushrooms, oats, chia & pumpkin seeds, SUPERGREEN Superfood Powder.
3. Break up with stress
On edge? Heart racing? Tense and trembling? Chronic stress can wreak havoc on our body, causing long-lasting effects on our nervous system. Time to look after your mental health. Speak to a friend, book a call with a therapist or take any steps you can to reduce the stress load.
4. Balance those blood sugars
Blood sugar crashes can leave you feeling flat, fatigued, dizzy and moody. A large factor in the regulation of blood sugars is interrupted sleep or poor sleep quality. SLEEP Superfood Powder will step up your rest and recovery game, with a combination of melatonin-containing ingredients formulated to help regulate your sleep patterns.
5. What to avoid
Cut down on alcohol, caffeine (yes, it pains us to say this) and processed foods as these can be turned into sugars and used for ‘quick’ energy but may also contribute to feelings of stress, anxiety and low energy. Our outer world is often a reflection of our inner world. Knowing the signs and combating burnout early can help us show up to our fullest potential for others but most importantly, ourselves.
This content is intended for informational purposes only. It should not be used as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The views and information shared within this article by SWIISH and/or (if applicable) by another health professional or expert are for educational purposes only. Any views shared by a health professional or expert are the views of the expert and do not necessarily represent the views of SWIISH. We always advise you to seek assistance from a medical professional if you are looking for specific advice, answers or treatment.