Guide your wellbeing back into balance with these simple steps, all from the comfort of your home.
People always talk about exercise being crucial for health – but what about stretching? Taking a moment to give your muscles the proper stretch and release they need is a great act of self-care. Whether it’s 10 minutes in the morning or at night, stretching is the perfect time to get in tune to your body, be kind to it, and just breathe.
It’s hard to switch off with so much always going on in the world every day. As much as our phones are convenient for communication, always being tied to them 24/7 can be a burden. Set yourself a goal to be phone-free for at least an hour before bedtime. This a great way to shift your focus away from the crazy pull of social media, and become connect more clearly with your own inner thoughts.
This one is a no-brainer, but we keep putting it off… With hectic (at home) schedules, it can be easy to just keep adding more things onto the To-Do List. Before you know it, you’re running low on energy, motivation and rest. Make this small act of self-care a non-negotiable this year. Make it a priority each week to take a moment just for yourself and slow down: a bath at the end of a long week, a coffee at your favourite cafe, or an easy yoga flow in the morning before work.
Believe it or not, touching the physical earth is something we don’t do enough of – even when we’re always at home. ‘Grounding’ or ‘earthing’ is a practice where the soles of your feet touch grass, sand, or bare earth. Taking your shoes off and walking or standing barefoot for just 5 minutes a day has been shown to:
Reduce stress and anxiety
Support sleep
Improve mood
Help ease chronic pain
Reduce inflammation