As we officially pass the halfway mark of the 30 DAY SLEEP SOLUTION we hope you’re feeling well on your way to a better night’s sleep.
In Week 3 we’ll be working with some nightly practices that focus a little deeper on what’s really disrupting your sleep. In order to do this, we must get the foundations right. That means your sleep routine.
Now if you’ve found yourself struggling to keep up your sleep routine from week 1, we want you to use this week to instead select a couple of stepsthat you enjoyed and try to implement them again.
A note from Sally & Maha…
For us, the two sleep steps we’re trying to stick to include:
Drinking a warm cup of SLEEP Superfood Powder 30 minutes before bed
Aiming to go to bed at the same time each evening to get our body clocks into rhythm
What will your two must-have steps be?

This week we’ll be giving you 7 different self-care acts to incorporate into your evening routine. All 7 will be slightly different, but we want you to choose one that feels right for you … after all, no one knows what your soul needs as well as you do.
Perhaps you’ll try a new one each night, or you may fall upon one that resonates with you so well – you’ll want to do it every night! We can’t wait to hear which ones you love best.
1. Create
Sleep experts have linked increased creativity to deeper sleep, but interestingly, a great deal can also be said for linking creativity to sleep. We have all been consuming an excessive amount of information lately, which is exactly why we need a creative outlet to relieve some of the pressure of this.
It might be drawing, writing, creating a mood board, rearranging your living room, or writing out your goals, but spending just 10 minutes creating before bed can help put your soul at ease and ready for sleep.
2. Visualise
Visualisation is an exciting field receiving attention by researchers at the moment, looking at the power of the mind in many different scenarios. In regards to sleep, visualisation has been praised by experts for years, so tonight – it’s time you give it a try!

As you lay in bed this evening, we want you to play a gentle song or set a timer for 3 minutes. Check into whatever emotion you’re feeling. Perhaps you’re frustrated, happy, or tired. Whichever it is, physically scan your body at this time. Can you feel a particular area that is holding this emotion most? If you’re happy, perhaps it is a butterfly sensation in the gut. If you’re stressed, it may be causing tension in your jaw.
If the emotion you feel and locate is one you enjoy, work to visualise spreading it throughout your entire body. Some people find this easiest when they link the emotion to colour. Alternatively, if it is an emotion you want to part with, again connect it to a colour and visualise yourself lifting that colour from the body. When the time is over you should feel lighter, relieved, and at rest.
3. Affirm
Affirmations are a powerful tool. Sleep specialists suggest finding three or four phrases that you can repeat to yourself with real intention before you fall asleep. You can use our mantra below, or figure out your own. Then simply enjoy falling asleep in a positive headspace and energy after repeating it to yourself each night.
4. Reflect
When things get tough it is our family and friends that always manage to pull us through. Unfortunately, we’re at a strange time where seeing the people we love most is limited. So what do sleep experts say is the next best thing? Reminiscing on all the beautiful photos and memories you’ve made in the past.

Even if it’s just an album on your phone, or one on Facebook that you can share with your family and friends, it is important in times of uncertainty to look back and be grateful for the times we have had, as helpful as it is to look forward to the times to come.
Spend this evening feeding your soul by looking back on some beautiful old photos and videos, tapping into those moments that brought you so much happiness. When you fall asleep, you’ll find your mind at ease.
5. Bathe
Taking a bath is one of the most therapeutic self-care acts around. Add some Epsom salts, magnesium, music, and essential oils and you’ve got yourself the ultimate R&R.
In fact, there have been many studies over the years assessing the benefits of a warm bath or shower before bed. This study in particular looked at the disrupted sleep patterns of women, showing that a warm bath 1.5 hours before bedtime significantly improved sleep quality.
As some of you may have heard, your core temperature drops before and during sleep. When you raise your body’s core temperature in a hot bath or shower before bed, the slow temperature drop that follows when you hop out signals to your body it’s time for rest.
SWIISH Tip: Our bath recipe for ultimate chill = 1 cup of Epsom salts 30 mL of our SOOTHE Organic Magnesium Oil 10-15 drops of any lavender essential oil. So. PERFECT.
6. Read
Reading is soul food. It allows you to either escape the reality you’re in or advance your knowledge on a particular interest. Sleep specialists have long recommended the calming escape of reading for anyone struggling to rest at night.
If you haven’t picked up a book in a while, you can check out some of our SWIISH Reads below. Best part is, when you fall asleep reading – the book doesn’t continue without you! (Unlike movies on the other hand…)
7. Share
Of all the sleep tips and tricks we’ve discussed so far, we want you to pick one of your favourites and share it with someone you love. There’s something so soothing about passing on the knowledge you’ve learnt, and at a time when we’re all a little sleep deprived – helping anyone find their calm is just a beautiful feeling. It’s time to pay it forward SWIISH Sleepers, we all deserve some extra love at the moment.
Here’s your little round-up of the week that you can screenshot as a reminder to keep things nice and simple…
Sweet dreams until next time,
Love Sally, Maha & The SWIISH Team xx