While we’re all focused on increasing moments of mindfulness in our lives, not a lot of us look at how we translate this into our home.
It’s often said that a mindful home is a healthy home, and the kind of home that will leave you more inclined to live a healthy life.
And who doesn’t want that?
At SWIISH we’re all about getting in touch with ourselves and making positive impacts on our wellbeing, so we’ve done some digging on the most effective (and easy) way to healthy-fy your home.
The answer? Make space for mindfulness.
With a designated mindful space, you’re more likely to keep it as a constant in your life, prioritising your own self-care and wellbeing. As a result, you’ll be keeping stress levels low, energy levels high, and building healthy habits to deal with future bumps in the road.
Not to mention, it can be done in one afternoon.
Here are our tips on how to make room for mindfulness in your home:
Make your space work
There’s no need to knock down a wall and downsize your kitchen just to make room for mindfulness in your home. Instead, work with what space you’ve got. Whether it be a reading nook, your favourite chair, a patch of grass in the garden or just a spot with good light, having a space designated for your self-care is more important than it’s size.
Joy Rains, wellness expert and author of Meditation Illuminated: Simple Ways to Manage Your Busy Mind offers the simplest of strategies for carving out a space in your home – either hang a sheer curtain in any available corner to divide the space or simply plop down on your yoga mat near an open window. Genius.
Declutter and clean
It’s no mystery that clutter and mess is your worst enemy when it comes to wanting to unwind. Studies have shown that a messy environment can be anxiety-inducing and lead to higher levels of stress. And we’re all aware of the Marie Kondo #sparkjoy movement…
Grab a duster and give your space a good wipe-down. Then get onto organising, making sure that all things in eye-view are tidy and put away. The aim is to keep things as minimal and clear as possible, to keep your mind as clear as possible.
Minimise distractions and noise
As much as clutter can serve as a troublesome distraction, so can noise and technology. And if you’re new to mindfulness – especially meditation, minimising these distractions is key to keeping you focussed and in the zone.
Try and keep laptops, phones, tablets and chargers in a separate space, as well as your television. If this isn’t possible, make a point of switching your phone to aeroplane mode or completely off. If you live in a noisy area, consider a white-noise machine, or try listening to a soothing playlist of natural forest sounds or rain.
Let there be light! And colour!

The power of natural light can not be underestimated, especially when it comes to a mindful space. Natural light is found to boost concentration and energy levels, and can keep negative thoughts at bay. Try and locate your space somewhere outside, or near a window for optimal light. If you prefer darker spaces however, opt for salt lamps, candles or lamps with mood-lighting settings.
Embrace nature
To create a calming space, you need all the elements – especially natural ones. Potted plants, simple colours and non-invasive, natural scents all fall under this category. Keeping these things around will effectively change the mood of any space, and introduce a sense of tranquility that will have you focussed and clear-headed.