Sonia Bestulic is a Bestselling Author, Speech Pathologist, Podcaster, and Speaker – but her most important title in the world comes in three little letters: Mum. This month, she’ll be sharing her passionate advocacy for the wellness of mothers through Self-Care, Redefined: The Mum Series. Today, she does a deep dive into social media and letting it be your self-care superhero… enjoy SWIISH fam.

Dear Mums… let social media be your self-care superhero
“What are your thoughts on social media?” A podcast interviewer once asked me. “Don’t you feel it has a negative effect on women, especially mums?” My honest answer: “If we let it, but it doesn’t have to. WE hold the remote control, to social media. Just like we aim to make healthy choices on what to consume for our meals each day; we choose what to consume AND contribute; when it comes to social media.”
Social media can be a wonderful tool of empowerment, inspiration, and positive connection. Let it be your self-care superpower… how?
Consciously consider your reasons and intentions for being on social media in the first place. Is it for professional use? Personal connection?
Be clear on:
- Your why
- What you want to receive from it
- What you want to give to it
E.g. I’m on social media, for professional purposes; to share valuable information, inspire, uplift others; and be a positive support. I want the same in return.
Write this down; read over it a few times to ensure it is congruent with you. AND THEN… DETOX all the people, groups, etc. that don’t serve your why. This immediate act of self-care allows you to consume and contribute with more authenticity and value.
If you find your mind quietly playing the comparison game on social media; whether it be comparing looks, personality traits, lifestyle, or material things; you are likely on a thought path that will lead you feeling down on yourself and feeding a false belief that you are ‘not enough.’
Break this circuit!
Step 1 – catch that thought and acknowledge that your brain hit the “compare and contrast” button.
Step 2 – disrupt the circuitry; with thought and feeling of celebration toward whatever that other person has or does. This will retrain your brain to build others up, instead of tearing them, or yourself, down.
This simple action takes practice yet works wonders – empowering you to be proactive with your thoughts and actions.
You set the rules remember! Place clear boundaries on your social media use and stick to them. Mums, you can release from feeling constantly ‘switched on!’ Be strategic, by scheduling social media-free zones to help you. Simply setting daily alarms at various times can signal this. This is really about prioritising your self-care by maximising your presence and your productivity.
Let social media be a tool of complement to your life! Why? Because Mums, it is time for you to flourish!
Sonia xo
Based in Sydney Australia, Sonia Bestulic is the bestselling Author of Flourish for Mums 21 ways to thrive with self-care and acceptance. She is the Founder of Talking Heads Speech Pathology, Podcaster of Chatabout Children with Sonia Bestulic, a highly regarded Speaker; and mum of 3 children (all born in 2 ½ years!) Sonia is an extraordinary blend of creativity, intellect, empathy, and a passionate determined drive to empower positive change. She runs deeply inspirational, and transformational self-care programs and workshops for mums; and is an advocate for honouring mothers’ wellbeing, celebrating children, and living a life powered by love.
Follow her on IG @flourishformums and @bestulic_sonia
www.flourishformums.com and www.soniabestulic.com.au