Besides smoothies (of course!), apple cider vinegar is one of our tried-and-tested favourite health tonics. If you don’t drink it already, you will be by the time you finish reading this post! In its raw form, apple cider vinegar not only helps to alkalise your system, but also promotes healthy digestion, cellular cleansing and the growth of healthy bacteria. Many celebrities and beauty influencers claim to drink it daily to assist with weight loss, so it’s no surprise that others want to try it too.
Apple cider vinegar is also a beauty superpower. You can use it as toner, it helps relieve acne and irritation, you can rinse your hair with it after your regular wash for mega-watt shine (plus it helps get rid of dandruff), use it to remove nail polish stains on your nails, relieves sunburnt skin, helps heal bruises quicker…. and the list goes on!
One thing you can’t do is boil apple cider vinegar. You’ll want to use it raw and unfiltered so it’s unpasteurised and retains its original enzymes.
Basically the rule of thumb is, the “uglier” the apple cider vinegar the better. You want it brown and murky as the clear and pretty stuff has been through more filtration processes and has removed the “mother” – the brown strands that rest at the bottom. This is a good bacteria that your body will love you for consuming. You can use it as a dressing over salads, in detox drinks or mix into your favourite recipes for a superfood.
Try this easy detox drink using apple cider vinegar. We use the below recipe for a tasty alternative (plus, we can never say no to anything with cinnamon in it!).