With Christmas over for another year and the New Year on the horizon, we’re starting to solidify our goals for the next year.
It sounds kind of nerdy but we love spending a day to ourselves before the New Year rolls around to reflect on the year that’s been and the year that’s to come. We write down our resolutions and our goals in both business and life and figure out a strategy to make it happen. One of our major goals for both of us in 2018 is to get our sleep routine down pat. As business owners, (and unquestionably for Sal, as a mum) sleep can be one of the first things to suffer if we have a busy day, week or month, which is why next year it’s all about the sleep!
One thing that guarantees a good sleep though, and something we’ve been using for years now, is applying magnesium oil to the soles of our feet before we go to sleep each night. Sounds weird, right? But hear us out on this one!
Magnesium is a mineral not many people talk about but yet is so vital for good health and wellbeing. A deficiency in magnesium can cause fatigue, insomnia, muscle soreness, and change in mood levels and studies show that over 75% of Aussies are magnesium deficient.
This is such a crazy statistic and one of the best ways to get more magnesium in our diets is to eat more magnesium-dense foods. But let’s be honest, whilst we can get a couple of cups of spinach into our diet thanks to green smoothies, eating five cups of it to get our daily intake seems a little unrealistic when we factor in all the other nutrient-rich foods we also need to include in our diets.
So what if we told you that we have a solution – one that tackles these issues and helps to improve health and wellbeing (as well as those all important energy levels)? Not only that but is 100% organic, vegan and is proudly made in South Australia? Well – we do. The solution comes in a perfectly sized 125ml bottle and is aptly named Organic Magnesium Oil, because that’s exactly what it is.
Extracted from pure seawater, Magnesium Oil has no chemicals or other nasties and has been proven to reduce inflammation and assist muscle recovery for post workout or injury relief. It’s 100% natural and made with organic ingredients to produce the best possible result, leaving you to feel ahh-mazing (inside and out)!
But how does it make you sleep better, you ask?! Well, magnesium oil helps our bodies by relaxing certain receptors in our brain and nervous system. It also aids neurological and physiological processes when the body is under pressure. We apply the oil to our feet at night so our bodies can absorb the mineral so we can relax and get a great night’s sleep.
We also love adding magnesium oil to our baths (when we get a spare moment to have a bath hahaha).
You can pick up a bottle of magnesium oil here.