You know that promise you made to yourself at the start of the year…the one that you haven’t quite kept? Don’t stress, we all do it. In fact, while 45% of people make New Year’s resolutions, apparently only 8% actually stick to them.
That’s where Promise or Pay comes in. I love this idea – Promise or Pay is a simple way to put your promises out there and if you don’t follow through you have to make a payment to charity.
Research shows that the chances of achieving goals we make are 33% higher if we share it with others, and 72% higher if we put money on it.
So, back to your promise – it can be anything you want – whether it’s running that marathon, learning a language or even just drinking more water each day. All you have to do is make your promise, pick a charity, pledge an amount and then share your promise with others. If you don’t achieve your goal in the set time, the money will go towards a designated charity instead of right back in your pocket.’
While hopefully this gives everyone an incentive to get going on those goals, if you don’t end up following through you are helping someone else instead. So you get a good result, no matter the outcome!’
And if you’re not sure of ideas for a promise, here’s a great one to start you off. Promise or Pay are challenging people to turn off their smartphones for one day during May, or make a donation to charity. Known as ‘MAY DAY’, this challenge is a fab chance to take a break from technology and spend time connecting with family and friends. Sounds like a great idea to me!
Find out more and make a promise today at