We all have a song that means the world to us, and lyrics that you will never forget. Now you can display your favourite lyrics by turning it into a piece of art with this inexpensive yet personal DIY – and no, you don’t have to be an artist to do it!
Here’s one we managed to whip up in the SWIISH office (it’s seriously that easy). I chose ‘Sweet Disposition’ by The Temper Trap. I have always loved this song and the meaning it holds to me, plus it has such simply beautiful lyrics that really came up so well!
You will need: | Instructions: |
A primed, framed canvas | 1. Choose lyrics that you love – wedding songs are a great personal touch to a home. |
A pencil (optional) | 2. Paint the lyrics in a messy cursive font (it doesn’t have to be perfect – it fact, it looks better when you free form it). |
Acrylic paint | 3. If you’re not confident with a paintbrush, write the lyrics on the canvas with your pencil first, then trace over the writing with acrylic. |
Small paint brush | 4. You can customize this with different coloured paints, patterned canvasses and textures. The limit is your imagination! |

Check out our gallery for more inspiration!